Oprah, Weight Loss Drugs, & Freedom
/I was looking at Instagram the other day, which I hadn’t visited for quite some time, and I noticed all these pictures of Oprah, looking absolutely fabulous, and yes, thin. My curiosity was piqued, and I saw on her account that she had just turned seventy and had also announced that she was using a weight loss drug. There were also a few clips of her on Jimmy Kimmel, talking about her decision. I noticed that I had a few judgy thoughts flying around in my head. Now, my mind is a little embarrassed to share my judgments, but I love being real with you! Also, I know my thoughts are not my truth, and not real. So I don’t judge my thoughts, because they just show up, from years of old stories and conditioning, and because I’ve practiced, I don’t believe my thoughts unless I want to.
I saw a judgment of, “Oh she’s giving up! What if this makes people think that you can’t have radiant health without drugs, and not everyone can have those drugs!”
Also, an old story popped up, which is that being healthy is “hard” and it’s not fair for someone to take the “easy” way. Sort of a jealous thought.
I also had the thought of, “Wait, this is what the media is telling us we are supposed to look like when we are 70? I don’t look like that and I’m less than 50!!”
I decided to investigate these thoughts with my Inner Being. It was such a fun and enlightening journaling session that I want to share what I received with you!
Wow, that was interesting last night, seeing gorgeous Oprah pics and then feeling shame about myself! And to hear her talk about using the weight loss drugs made me feel scared, like everyone is going to do this and then there will be aging me left. Oooh, writing that down shows how kooky the mind is! It’s like that whole scarcity, not enough story. What is your perception of the drugs? I know there is no judgment from you, so what I am really looking for is my Truth.
Oh dear one, we present the clarity that when you judge another, it is you judging yourself. Always. You found it the round-about way. Do you honor and trust what is right for you? Do you value that opportunity? Then you can feel the Truth of valuing if for all beings. The mind had a fear that another being honoring Truth would take something from you. And it was all imaginary. What do you love most about your radiant health unfolding?
And perhaps that is what Oprah is uncovering as well, in her unique unfolding. More freedom in the world = more freedom in the world.
I know there is a mind argument that people will say, it’s not fair, she has lots of money and can afford the drug. What is this idea of fairness?
It is duality: fair/unfair, right/wrong, abundance/lack. It’s the intense focus on ONE way, and we assure you, there are so many ways. Did you see how Oprah said [in the interview with Jimmy Kimmel] that the drug slows the obsessive thoughts about food? Do you know any other ways to do that?
Oh, my YES! And it’s free, and without side effects, other than JOY-LOVE-PEACE!
How amazing that she is bringing clarity to the disease of the obsessive mind. And there are so many expansion avenues to explore in an honest way. We adore the conversation this brings to the planet, the ahas and portals of potential that are opening. What a delicious exploration!
Oh, I am so happy for Oprah! She is so brave and beautiful and inspirational!