Decrease Clutter and Create Space for Being

Decrease Clutter and Create Space for Being

This year I’ve felt inspired to slow down, to be more present, to experience the beautiful flow of life. Above all, I’ve felt called to create space for stillness.

Maybe you can relate to feeling overwhelmed, busy, and mentally obsessed with planning and doing.

This was my norm for many years- rushing from one thing to the next and still feeling like I wasn’t accomplishing enough.

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The Truth Within

The Truth Within

Do you find yourself constantly seeking out diet advice or jumping on board with the newest weight-loss program? Do you feel like your thoughts are consumed with what to eat or what not to eat? Do you wish you could be free from the non-stop chatter of the monkey-mind, obsessing about how your health or your body is not enough?

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To Be

To Be

Ready for a little Spanish lesson? It will be relevant, I promise!

I am currently teaching my Spanish students the difference between the two verbs that represent “to be” (ser and estar), and the different situations in which to use them.

This can be confusing, as in English we just have just one verb that means “to be” (conjugated as I am, you are, he/she is…)

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