Moose Burgers and Sweetener-Free Ketchup

Moose Burgers and Sweetener-Free Ketchup

One of Alaska’s primal perks is the abundance of clean, beautiful, wild game.  Many Alaskans have extra freezers in which they store a year’s supply of moose, caribou and salmon. While spring is an amazing time of year up north, it also coincides with diminishing vacuum-sealed freezer goodness. I currently find myself both hoarding what meat we have left and day dreaming about eating it every night- particularly in the form of moose burgers.

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Giving up Sugar ≠ Giving up Dessert

Giving up Sugar ≠ Giving up Dessert

I love that Tom (or “The Star of the Blog”, as he likes to call himself) has joined me on my primal adventure.When I first suggested we try giving up sweeteners altogether, in an attempt to conquer our sugar cravings, he balked at the idea. Dessert had traditionally been his favorite meal. I knew I had to keep him happy with the sweetener-free plan so I created my version of a primal friendly Fat Bomb: a dessert that tastes indulgent and yet fits the objective of giving up sugar. 

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The Joy of Releasing Chronic Cardio

The Joy of Releasing Chronic Cardio

For the entirety of my adult life I was a chronic cardio junkie. Determined to avoid the freshman fifteen, the college me spent hours every day running, doing step aerobics, and climbing the stairmaster.  Post college, and burned out on those activities, I became a DVD addict. Jillian Michaels, P90X, Buti Fitness, Insanity- if there was an infomercial for it,  I’d completed the program.

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Letting Go of Perfection

Letting Go of Perfection

During my last Primal Health Course module I found myself feeling a twinge of discomfort. In the unit, Mark Sisson stresses the importance of making local food a priority in one’s diet; in the recommended spectrum of produce choices, local fruits and vegetables rank at the top (higher than certified organic!). Primarly adapted, my husband and I eat a lot of vegetables. And we live in Alaska. And it’s winter. Would I have to give up eating vegetables from my Washington CSA during our long winter season?

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