Solidify Your Belief (Reclaiming Your Health Part 3)

Solidify Your Belief (Reclaiming Your Health Part 3)

Congratulations! You have made it to Part 3 in the Reclaiming Your Health Series! (Part 1 and Part 2) I hope that you loving your food and eating mindfully, and connecting to your why and your vision of radiant health. 

This week you will solidify your belief in that healthy future self. If you can believe it you can achieve it! In the words of Buddha: “Our life is the creation of our mind.”

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Primal in the Airport

Primal in the Airport

Back in my sugar burning days I would "treat myself" with a soy vanilla latte and a scone to ease the discomfort of long flights. This would usually lead to more sugar cravings and the eventual roller coaster of sugar highs and cranky lows. Combine this emotional situation, with cramped airplane seats, stale cabin air and an inability to move freely, and I was a hot mess.

Now that I understand the biology of what sugar does in my body, I treat myself to nutritious food that provides even energy and mental clarity. 

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Sacred Mornings: My Hour of Power

Sacred Mornings: My Hour of Power

I love morning time: the quiet, the peace, the unlimited potential of starting anew. I heard the term "hour of power" on a podcast a few years ago and I thought it was the perfect way to describe my morning rituals. I've always been an early riser, but it wasn't until fairly recently that I realized the power in an intentional start to the day. I now know that I create every single day with my thoughts and actions upon rising. There are so many beautiful ways to begin a day; I will share my routine as an example. 

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Water and Creativity

Water and Creativity

The focus of this morning's yoga class (courtesy of YogaGlo) was creativity. The instructor encouraged body movements that mimicked the flow and ease of water. Gliding through the poses, I could indeed feel an opening to that meditative, creative channel that gives birth to inspiration. 

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Detecting and Outfoxing Emotional Cravings

Detecting and Outfoxing Emotional Cravings

I was feeling restless the other day. I was experiencing a mental block while working on a big project and frustration was creeping in. I could feel the frustration transitioning to anxiety and self-doubt. Suddenly, I was daydreaming about sliding open the silverware drawer, grabbing a spoon, opening the fridge and reaching for the almond butter. How enjoyable a fat scoop of almond butter would be! Because I’ve been practicing, I was able to pull back and became an observer of my thoughts.

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