Releasing Sugar Addiction

Releasing Sugar Addiction

Today I feel compelled to share my thoughts on sugar, after having several conversations about the topic with clients, friends, classmates and complete strangers. I knew it was time to address sugar addiction again on my blog because so many people, just in the past week, have told me it's impossible to give up sugar!  

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Easing the Sugar Detox with Bling Bombs

Easing the Sugar Detox with Bling Bombs

Tom ran out of healthy food on his week long fishing in Yakutat. Upon his return, he sheepishly reported back to his drill sergeant (me) that he had indulged in junk food and was ready for a detox. He'd noticed a few things during his food free for all: once he started in on the sugar his thoughts became controlled by the greedy bacteria in his gut demanding more sugar. It was difficult to stop once he'd started.

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Detecting and Outfoxing Emotional Cravings

Detecting and Outfoxing Emotional Cravings

I was feeling restless the other day. I was experiencing a mental block while working on a big project and frustration was creeping in. I could feel the frustration transitioning to anxiety and self-doubt. Suddenly, I was daydreaming about sliding open the silverware drawer, grabbing a spoon, opening the fridge and reaching for the almond butter. How enjoyable a fat scoop of almond butter would be! Because I’ve been practicing, I was able to pull back and became an observer of my thoughts.

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