Oprah, Weight Loss Drugs, & Freedom
/I was looking at Instagram the other day, which I hadn’t visited for quite some time, and I noticed all these pictures of Oprah, looking absolutely fabulous, and yes, thin. My curiosity was piqued, and I saw on her account that she had just turned seventy and had also announced that she was using a weight loss drug. There were also a few clips of her on Jimmy Kimmel, talking about her decision. I noticed that I had a few judgy thoughts flying around in my head. Now, my mind is a little embarrassed to share my judgments, but I love being real with you! Also, I know my thoughts are not my truth, and not real. So I don’t judge my thoughts, because they just show up, from years of old stories and conditioning, and because I’ve practiced, I don’t believe my thoughts unless I want to.
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