Futuring the Now Podcast: Journal Prompts

Futuring the Now Podcast: Journal Prompts

The intention of this week’s podcast is to expand awareness of how often the “future” peppers the now with its stories of salvation or doom and gloom. Do you find yourself “futuring” in the Now? Do you have a sense that allowing the mind to get lost in the future takes away from the enjoyment of the Now? If you can relate, I thought you might enjoy the opportunity for awareness journaling. If you have the desire and space, grab your favorite comfort beverage and your journal or computer and tune into your Truth with the questions below. I hope you are delighted with what you find!

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Oprah, Weight Loss Drugs, & Freedom

Oprah, Weight Loss Drugs, & Freedom

I was looking at Instagram the other day, which I hadn’t visited for quite some time, and I noticed all these pictures of Oprah, looking absolutely fabulous, and yes, thin. My curiosity was piqued, and I saw on her account that she had just turned seventy and had also announced that she was using a weight loss drug. There were also a few clips of her on Jimmy Kimmel, talking about her decision. I noticed that I had a few judgy thoughts flying around in my head. Now, my mind is a little embarrassed to share my judgments, but I love being real with you! Also, I know my thoughts are not my truth, and not real. So I don’t judge my thoughts, because they just show up, from years of old stories and conditioning, and because I’ve practiced, I don’t believe my thoughts unless I want to.

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Intuitive Eating and Intuitive Human-ing

Intuitive Eating and Intuitive Human-ing

This post is a companion to the podcast “Intuitive Eating and Intuitive Human-ing” in which I pondered two listener questions by asking my Inner Being to share about intuitive eating. As I described in my podcast, I call my connection to Source/All That Is as my Inner Being. It is an energy I communicate with regularly and this connection has dramatically transformed all aspects of my life.

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Creating Your Beautiful Body for Life

Creating Your Beautiful Body for Life

Last week we talked about your ability to choose a life of radiant health, by establishing a solid belief in your ability and taking aligned baby steps.

Isn’t exciting to think that you have the wisdom within to create your beautiful body for life?

If you are thinking, “Yeah, I just don’t think that’s possible,” it’s time to solidify your belief.

It doesn’t matter what you believed yesterday. You get to create a new belief NOW.

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Release Diet Addiction to Create Radiant Health

Release Diet Addiction to Create Radiant Health

Do you feel a tingle of excitement when you hear about a new diet plan that promises a quick fix for easy weight loss?

Are you constantly searching for the one special program that is going to solve your problems and finally result in body confidence and happiness?

Do you have two sizes of clothing in your closet: one for when you are religiously following a diet plan and the other for when you have fallen off the wagon?

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How Can I Help YOU?

How Can I Help YOU?

Most weekends, like clockwork, inspiration arrives and I know exactly what I want to talk to you about. I can feel in an instant the onset of inspiration. Usually this begins with a kernel of an idea while I am walking in nature. By they time I sit down at the computer the words flow effortlessly and I feel like I am talking directly to you.

This week, however, I had a few ideas for topics, but none of them felt inspired.

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Using Presence to Achieve Radiant Health

Using Presence to Achieve Radiant Health

As a health coach, I’ve been trained in the science behind the nutrition that supports a healthy body. It’s quite simple:

  • enjoy an abundance of nutrient dense, real foods (vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, fish, wild game and non-factory farmed meats, fowl and their eggs)

  • minimize toxins (highly refined vegetable oils, trans fats, refined sugars, alcohol)

So why can it be so hard to follow these simple recommendations?

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Emotional Eating with Amber Romaniuk

Emotional Eating with Amber Romaniuk

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might have noticed that my focus has shifted from the external aspects of nutrition and wellness (specifically, food types/amounts/timing) to the internal aspects.

This has felt like a bit of a plunge, in terms of my business, because I’d always assumed that as a health coach I could just tell people to mindfully eat nutrient dense food (not too much!), avoid sugar and processed foods, and they would be set.

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Awakening Radiant Health Part 5: You are the Light

Awakening Radiant Health Part 5: You are the Light

To begin, I would like to acknowledge you. If you are reading this, you are open to another way, to discovering how YOU can awaken radiant health by cultivating awareness of the limiting beliefs and narratives that have held you hostage for so long.

I applaud you because at the height of my diet addiction, if I came across this blog I would have thought, “This is so strange. I have no idea what you are talking about.”

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Awakening Radiant Health Part 4: Conscious Awareness

Awakening Radiant Health Part 4: Conscious Awareness

Last week, in Part 3 of the Awakening Radiant Health series, I encouraged you to take just ten minutes a day to practice stillness and create space.

I hope that you were able to do so, and that you began to notice that the human mind is usually filled with racing thoughts: often judgements, worries, desires and criticisms.

Observing your thoughts, without judgement, will help you develop awareness. This awareness will serve as your guide to unlimited potential for radiant health.

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