What Does Radiant Health Feel Like?
/Years ago, when I desired radiant health and a beautiful body, I started a "future self" practice.
I imagined and scripted my future radiant self and as I did so I opened my mind and each cell in my body to absorb and experience exactly what life as that future Katie would feel like.
It occurred to me recently, just how important this process is to achieving and maintaining health transformations. If I were to guess, I would say that most people who are unhappy with their physical health spend so much time focusing on what they don't want: pants that are too tight, feeling uncomfortable in a bikini at the beach, how "hard" it is to eat healthy.
If you focus on what you don't want, you shouldn't be surprised when more of that shows up in your life!
Instead, visualize in detail what you do want!
In order to envision future health, you have to know what that feels like. But what if you don't know what radiant health looks like? Well, you get to decide! Isn't that fun?
To get you started, I will share some personal scripting examples that have now actualized into reality.
I started by getting quiet and discovering my "why".
For example, years ago I knew I wanted to achieve radiant health to:
- release a struggle with sugar addiction
- feel outrageously confident in my skin
- feel effortless and easy wearing a bikini on the beach
- release fear of judgement and criticism
- let my inner glow shine outward as an example of radiant health
I envisioned what this future healthy self would experience on a daily basis. I imagined and wrote in a journal detailed scenes like the following, feeling each scenario in my core, as if it were actually happening:
"I stand in my kitchen preparing a gorgeous meal for dinner. I tune in to each step of the preparation and eating process: admiring and appreciating the colorful vegetables from my local farmer's market, enjoying the smell of the roasting Brussels sprouts, expressing gratitude for the salmon Tom has caught and is grilling, plating the meal in a gorgeous way, sitting with my food without distraction, loving each bite and stopping when I feel content. With absolute joy I realize that sugar cravings are completely gone. Tom enjoys a dessert after dinner but I find that I am not even interested. I appreciate how amazing it feels to be free from sugar; it doesn't even show up on my radar as a temptation. It feels like absolute food freedom."
"I look in the mirror and am astounded by the transformation my body has undergone. I turn from side to side, front to back, admiring my muscles and my smooth skin. Oh my goodness, I did not even know it was possible to love every inch of my body this much! I feel filled with love and joy for this body that glows with radiant health."
"I'm a week away from our annual winter vacation in Mexico and I'm packing up my sun dresses and bikinis. This year is such a different experience: I can't wait to get out into the sun and ocean, to expose my skin to the sun's healing rays, to spend my mornings walking the beach and floating in the ocean. I think back to how just looking at my bikinis would send me into a state of panic and fear of judgement. I laugh because that emotion feels so foreign. I am proud of my body and I don't even think twice about what anyone else might think about it."
"I can't believe how many times in the past few days that people have told me that I'm glowing! I feel it on the inside and the outside, like a radiant light shining out into the world. That radiant glow has attracted so many wonderful synchronicities and amazing coincidences into my life! I just love how joyful and peaceful it feels to so connected to that inner glow that it can't help but shine outward."
These are sample tidbits from my former scripts that
I can't tell you how amazing it feels have the awareness, understanding and experience of creating the reality of my radiant health.
I know you can do this too! Aren't you excited?
Now, it's time for you to get quiet, define your why, and start creating your future healthy self.
I'd love to hear from you! Send me a sample script so that I can share in the excitement of your future self as well. ♥♥♥