An Amazing Listener Question!

Hello gorgeous!

Today I’m sharing (with generous permission) a listener question that I wish I would have been brave enough to ask when I was really frustrated, uncomfortable, afraid and confused. I realize there are numerous resources available to guide emotional acceptance/release and awakening, so I am tickled pink that I was asked to share my perspective. This blog post accompanies the podcast episode “I WANT to feel my North Star Energy!”

Here is the wildly self-aware question:

“I am starting to understand that we create with our emotions, and I really want to create from the energy of joy. I have glimpses of Joy and it feels fantastic, like I’m really happy and in flow. But then it disappears and other emotions take its place: for example, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, frustration. And then I start to feel afraid because I know those emotions create more of that, instead of joy. If I’m trying to focus on joy and all of these other icky emotions show up, what am I doing wrong?

Firstly, in my belief, what is being experiencing is perfect and natural. Many of us weren't taught that feeling our more uncomfortable emotions was okay and natural in this human experience!

For most of my life I resisted, stuffed or numbed the “uncomfortable” emotions because I didn’t think we were supposed to feel them AND I didn’t know how to feel them. Eventually I hit maximum discomfort and I had no choice but to surrender. Here are some of the things that gave me relief- and eventually freedom.

  • Daily connection to my truth- absolutely knowing who I am beyond the mind, emotions and body. I know I am a unique spark of source energy, having a human experience, and so you are

  • Releasing judgment about doing it wrong or asking, “Why for the love of god are the emotions still here?”  

  • Really accepting, allowing and feeling the denser emotions when they showed up instead of letting my mind take over with the stories.

  • After feeling the emotion, journaling with my inner being and asking for a grander perspective. 

  • Living the truths I received from my inner being. 

  • Trusting that every drop in vibration was an opportunity and was for me.

Here’s the truth: Your north star energy is active in you now, and will flow and attract abundantly when you allow whatever is to be whatever it is. Resisting, ignoring, judging, numbing, block the effortless flow. The unconscious thoughts, stories and emotions are the fog that prevents the knowing of your eternal connection to Source and the expansion into your North Star Energy creation.

Oooh, I am soooo excited for you! Now it’s your turn! Do you have any tools, truths or awarenesses to share?