Aligning and Creating with Your North Star Energy

The other night I saw the Alaskan perspective of the North Star for the first time in three months as it was finally dark enough! It feels like such a treat to have our stars back. While gazing at the heavens and feeling into the idea of North Star Energy,  I felt the call to record a follow up episode to last week’s podcast, with more practical, down to earth inspirations for how to align and create with your energy.

In the episode I share a variety of tangible ways in which I transformed my life with my North Star Energy, freedom. If you are reading this, I probably don’t have to tell you that the more I aligned with and created in the energy of freedom the more my reality became absolute freedom. My life feels abundantly free, magical, loving, exciting- EBTIECHI beyond my wildest dreams. 

Now it’s your turn! Get cozy, grab your journal and a pen (unless you prefer typing), a favorite beverage, and take three conscious breaths to tune into your Truth. 

Journal Prompts: 

List an external desire you currently have. (For example: writing a book, losing weight, running a marathon, starting a business, finding a romantic partner). 

Imagine you have actualized that external desire. How would you feel? 

If your answer is successful, or excited, can you go deeper? Why do you really want that desire? At the bottom of the desire are you really wishing for love? Joy? Freedom? Peace? Abundance? 

Which of those energies most resonates or feels like a pull? (In this moment, it could be your North Star Energy.) 

What energy feels like the opposite of your North Star Energy? 

Now (if relevant), write a question you have, or a decision you are considering. 

Feel into one possible answer to the question or decision you have. Does it feel like your North Star Energy or the opposite? Do this with as many possible answers you can think of. 

Do you feel like playing a bit, following your North Star Energy and observing what unfolds? 

Imagine your North Star Energy Dream Day. Pretend you are there and let your imagination flow as you write an account, with as many delightful details as possible. Play and have fun in your imagination. (This will REALLY activate your North Star Energy.) 

If you would like to read an excerpt from an example first, here you go! 

I wake up when my body feels delightfully rested. I am absolutely cozy as I nestle under my blanket and review my dreams with wonder and curiosity. Then I remember that today is Monday and I have absolutely no plans- I can follow inspiration all day long! I peek out the window and see that the Aurora is dancing away in the early morning sky! I excitedly put on my jacket, boots and hat and dash outside. It feels spectacular to walk around my sleeping neighborhood in awe of the dancing colors, knowing that I can stay outside as long as I like. The colors begin to fade and my rosy cheeks tell me it's the perfect time to head inside for a steamy mug of coffee. As the coffee brews I freestyle a yoga routine with all my favorite poses. I love listening to my body and moving in the most joyful way each morning. I savor the delicious smell and first sip of coffee (with a generous dose of cream) and settle onto the couch with a blanket and my Inner Being Journal. Oh, it feels so luxurious to be a time billionaire. I feel so free. As I am chatting away with my higher self I receive a text from a friend informing me that our favorite ski trail has just been groomed. Do I want to meet for a sunrise ski? YES! I still have space for another cup of coffee and to read a couple of chapters from an inspiring book before we strap on our skis and glide into the sunrise….

And so on!

If you feel like it would be fun to share your North Star Energy Dream Day with me, I would 🩷LOVE🩷 it! Email me at .