What is True?

Hello dear friend!

I would love to start this blog post with an opportunity for you to pause, connect to your physical senses in this Now, and ask yourself, “What is true?” and if you would like to get particular, “What is true about creating radiant health?”

Now, how do you know that is true?

Did someone tell you? Did you read it somewhere? Did you hear it on a podcast? Is it what you have experienced in your own physical reality? Or do you feel it as a crystal clear Truth resonating through all the cells in your body?

To me, this is true Knowing (which my inner being always capitalizes). The mind “knows” many things that we may have collected from our childhoods, the media, the environment in which we live. But energetic Knowing is different. In my belief, it is the most powerful gift for creating the radiant, abundant, magical life that you came to this earth to live!

This beautiful Knowing comes from your connection to the eternal, energetic, infinitely wise part of you. It is your internal guidance system. I call this connection my Inner Being, but others prefer terms like Source, All That Is, higher self, guides, angels. I know I say this all the time, but I invite you to energetically feel the Truth of these words: all the answers, all the magic, all the clarity, all the love and connection you could ever desire is within YOU.

For many years I heard others say this and my mind was intrigued. Really? That sounds amazing, but I don’t know how in the world do you do that! It seems too good to be true.

While I was open to the possibility, my mind sort of thought people were just saying it to be spiritual. Like woo-woo flim-flam! I didn’t Know, but I was open. I practiced. I collected evidence.

And Now I Know. My connection to my Inner Being has transformed my life beyond my wildest dreams. I Know the joy of freedom. I feel the peace of releasing control. I rise above fears, limiting beliefs, old stories with ease and gratitude. I feel rock solid in my trust that everything is for me. I cocreate with the Universe and am in awe of the EBTIECHI experiences that unfold.

One of my favorite Truths is that everyone has this connection and everyone can unfold into a magical, loving, easy, beautiful, life experience. Your connection to the Truth of your being- that relationship with your individualized spark of Source is your greatest creation asset.

I know I am here to guide you to clearing the fog that is not you, to hold loving space as you explore the most joyful relationship you could ever experience. I know this is possible because I feel the full body spark of Truth (or sizzle, as an Awaken Your Truth member calls it) when I experience another’s connection to their own Truth. When I witness the energetic shifts, the clarity, the profound JOY-LOVE-PEACE I Know the Truth of who we all are and why we are here.

Okay, now, back to the question, How do you know what is true? Do you feel a little wobbly about the beliefs you’ve collected? A little confused by all the truths floating around? How do you know which ones are True for you?

While reading this, did you feel a spark or a sizzle of energy in your body? Did any of the words resonate as intriguing, exciting, maybe even possible?

If you feel called, I would like to invite you to the September 2024 “Inner Being Awakening Experience.” My soul friend and coach extraordinaire, Ginny Gane and I will be cohosting this spiritual adventure and we are filled with excitement to guide you to uncover your Truths.

If that doesn’t feel like a fit, that is wonderful too. I will still be reaching out, sharing my Truths and guiding you to your own.

Now I’m off to enjoy a beautiful glass of wine in the sun because I know that both expand radiant health when I enjoy them in the energy of JOY-LOVE-PEACE!

With love and appreciation,
