Creating Your Story for Radiant Aging

When you see the word “aging”, what images, thoughts and stories come to mind? Explore your automatic mind responses for a moment. Is that what you desire to create as your time on the physical planet expands? If so, amazing. If not, let’s explore a new reality together. 

While this blog post accompanies the correlating podcast episode, feel free to explore the following journal questions before listening, after listening, or never at all! At the end of the questions I share what I received from my Inner Being, if you are curious. Cherry pick what resonates and ignore what doesn’t! And, as always, check in with your Inner Being/Higher Self/Source to receive your own unique guidance.  

Journal Questions: 

What is a story you hold true about yourself and aging?

How does that story feel? 

 If it doesn’t feel aligned, is there a different perspective available? 

How many different perspectives can you come up with? (BTW, might I remind you, ANYTHING is possible!) 

Which ones resonate the most/feel the best? 

What is a belief you have about health and aging, perhaps collected from science and/or collective consciousness?

How does that story feel?

If it doesn’t feel aligned, is there a different perspective available? 

How many different perspectives can you come up with? 

Which ones resonate the most/feel the best? 

Now, tuning into the truth of your being, what is your energetic vision of aging/saging/lightening? (For example, mine is active, aware, allowing, loving, flowing, radiant, joyful, and FREE!)

Jot down some aligned actions that embody that energy in the Now. ((For example, I might say, time in nature, journaling, releasing fears, hugging my husband, sharing a compliment, seeing the beauty in all beings, laughing, drinking water, drinking champagne, moving my body, feeling the sun on my skin, following the flow in making decisions.) 

These actions can serve as reminders for  how you might choose to create your energetic version of aging in the Now. Isn’t that exciting?  I’d love to hear your awarenesses!

Insights from my Inner Being

Me: I’d love to know your Truth about the “aging” of the human form. What can be True…?

IB: There are so many avenues for playing in possibility. If you hold dear the tenent that you create your reality, and that reality is all but an idea, an illusion, then why not for this experience? Yes, as humans, you have agreed to the misnomer of psychological/biological time as inevitability on the planet.  That agreement is almost like cement. Here is the ease and flow within the agreement: joy rather than judgment. Peace and harmony rather than resistance. Choosing the experience in love rather than fear. Unsubscribing from another’s perception of what it will be like. Owning the Truth of each Now. 

And for those who fear the “physical deterioration”...we say tune into the eternal energy, the light, and you will embody that light. The heaviness of shame, judgment, fear, resentment do far more cellular damage than the concept of “time”. 

Regarding prevention: behold the energy with which you take action. Are you doing something you dislike to prevent some future condition? Embody your actions with the energy you wish to inhabit in all the Nows. 

At times the mind wishes to pick at conditions and complain and commiserate. Dear one, we know you know, that words are heard as instructions by the body. 

Me: And for those who are experiencing “aging” symptoms that aren’t comfortable or desired? 

IB: Accept, allow, aligned action consistent with the energy you would like to embody. The human form is dynamic, malleable, pure flow, and, at the core, vibration. You can do all the actions but without the intention to energy they remain as temporary bandages.