Awareness & Choice in Beliefs

I hope you are having a gorgeous summer, if that is your current season. I’m reaching out from the beautiful Baja Peninsula, currently enjoying the sounds and sights of the waves lapping the shore, feeling the absolute magnificence of this world. This blog post is intended as a companion to my most recent podcast episode, “Awareness & Choice in Beliefs.” 

To begin, here is the quote I referenced:  

“The claim “I am free” is in fact the claim of liberation from systems of control, agreements made in fear, and the collective mind that believes what it was taught and will seek to confirm the old because it cannot conceive that something more could possibly exist.” -Paul Selig, Realization 

Now for the fun (in my belief system!)- questions for your Inner Being! If you are still unsure how to connect with that eternal wisdom, I recommend:

♡ Sit in a quiet and comfortable place. 

♡ Close your eyes. 

♡ Tune into your breathing and take at least three deep and conscious breaths. 

♡ Imagine dropping into the core of your being, opening your connection to Source.  

♡ When you are ready, write the questions that feel relevant. 

♡ Practice automatic, stream of consciousness writing. Just write- no rules, no concern for grammar or something that makes sense to the mind. Write until you feel complete and then read what you’ve written. Keep practicing, even if you feel it’s not working or it’s just your mind. Really nurture the belief that you CAN connect with the eternal part of you. 

Possible reflection questions: 
What does freedom mean to you? What does it look like, smell like, taste like, sound like, feel like? 

What agreements might you have made in fear? 

Are you open to detaching from the collective mind and what it deems as possible?

And now, to get specific with your beliefs…

In which area of your life do you feel most sticky-or in other words, least flowy, confident, or trusting? (Common sticky subjects: health, money, relationships) 

What does your mind believe, in a broad sense, about this subject? Can you identify any recurring thoughts or stories? (For example: it’s a struggle to be healthy, I have to work hard and sacrifice to make money, I can’t be myself in relationships)

Does your mind have specific rules or beliefs about this subject? (For example: chocolate is bad for me, going on vacation is too expensive, I can focus on myself when the kids are grown and out of the house)

Take a good look at those beliefs. Is that what you want to believe? Is that what you desire to create? 

If yes, amazing! 

If no, choose one (broad or specific) belief that feels most fearful. Are you ready to release it and create anew? 

If so, what is a new belief that you can choose, and start cherry-picking evidence to support? 

In other words, what do you WANT to believe? Maybe to uncover this you could fill in the sentence, “It would be magical if….”

For funsies, ask your Inner Being what they believe!

Here is what I received- I’m not going to explain how the answers resonated in my core, to leave the door open for you to receive something specific to you! 

We hold these beliefs to be True: 

ALL IS. Possible. 

The Now holds the supreme power. Not “when” something will happen. Not “I do this action because of the desired result in the future,” but “I enjoy this action in the Now!” 

Everything you wish is within you. The energy with which you create is more powerful than any action. 

Love is the Truth of you/all. When you deny love, there is the presence of the fear-mind. The power of awareness shines the light on what is fogging the Truth of love.