Celebrating the Now

This past Friday, Ginny Gane and I recorded a celebration podcast, because we are overflowing with excitement about our Awaken Your Truth 2025 community! If you haven’t listened yet, check it out here. You’ll hear more about why we are feeling so celebratory, and also enjoy the energy of our incredible community as alumni share their Awaken Your Truth 2024 experiences.

This morning I was prompted by my Inner Being to continue to activate that energy, by writing a rampage of celebration in my journal. It went something like this:

In this Now, I am celebrating my absolute, unconditional freedom- the freedom that is inherent within me, regardless of external circumstances.

I am celebrating knowing who I am: the eternal, powerful creator beyond the thoughts of the mind.

I am celebrating the overflowing presence of love, joy and peace.

I am celebrating my awareness to create anew in a moment!

I am celebrating this beautiful body and vibrating in radiant health with absolute freedom, beyond anything the mind ever could have imagined was possible!

I am celebrating the sun rising in front of our EBTIECHI house; the fresh air and breeze on my skin; the birds singing all around me; the taste of delicious coffee; and connection, connection, connection!!

I am celebrating a flowing, magical, wonderful life, activated from this morning creating-space of trust in and connection to All That Is.

In this Now, I am celebrating my soul connection with Ginny Gane, and all of the brave and beautiful AYT women who have said “yes” to knowing themselves beyond fear and limiting beliefs.

In this Now, beautiful creator, I am celebrating YOU.

I am celebrating your unique spark of Source energy, your glorious light, the gifts you offer when you show up in authenticity, the door you are opening to absolute freedom and infinite possibility.

I know what is possible for you. (Absolutely anything and everything!)

Can you feel the potential that Awakening to Your Truth is the grandest celebration of all?