¡Feliz Navidad!

Today Tom and I are playing a Christmas game called “Al sí y al no” that we learned here in Medellín. The objective of the game is to avoid using the words “yes” or “no” for the whole day. You try to trap someone by asking a yes/no question, but the savvy player will respond with something akin to “of course” or “absolutely not”. Using “yes” or “no” traditionally means you have to give the questioner a gift (every time!). We decided to give hugs and then keep a tally of points. At the end of the day the loser has to buy a gift to surprise the winner!

I hope you are similarly enjoying abundant joy, love, peace, laughter and hugs today.

If you find yourself in a moment, overflowing with those emotions, I invite you to pause and say,

This Now is my Truth.”

Without untruthful mind thoughts, I am joy.

Without fear, I am love.

Without conditioned beliefs, I am peace.

I am free to laugh, to embrace, to dance, to create, to explore, to share, to shine, to release everything that is not True!

If you can feel the juicy goodness of those words, even for just a moment, you are open to receiving the greatest gift: your essence of joy-love-peace. Enjoy, my beautiful creator!