Have Fun with Your Health

Have Fun with Your Health

For so many years I took dieting and exercising way too seriously. I was fanatical, and quite often a stick in the mud. It was stressful to live in such a regimented way! 

Adopting the primal lifestyle has given me a whole new perspective on health; now being healthy feels like freedom and fun! 

Today I'd like to share some of my tips for having fun with your health. 

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The Sweet Taste of Freedom from Diets and Restriction

The Sweet Taste of Freedom from Diets and Restriction

This weekend I attended a three day birthday celebration and experienced a freedom that would have been inaccessible prior to adopting a primal lifestyle. In years past, a weekend of this nature would have involved one of two scenarios (I was not skilled in the art of moderation):

Scenario A:  Worry about bringing my own food to stay on my strict diet. Worry about completing my inflexible workout regimen. Worry about whether or not to have a glass of wine or champagne (liquid calories!). Covet my friends’ celebratory food while I resentfully swallowed my dry chicken breast and broccoli. Why could they stay so so fit when just looking at cupcakes made my pants tighter?!

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