Sign a Peace Treaty with Your Body

Sign a Peace Treaty with Your Body

Lately I've been hearing from many women who are struggling to find a diet plan that "works". I get it. I have so been there. 

For many years, unconsciously, I was at war with my body.  I fought with my body in an attempt to control my weight, the way my clothes fit, the way I looked in a bathing suit. I said such mean things to my body when I looked in the mirror!  Obviously, treating my body in this way left no room for love. I assumed love would come when I reached my desired weight/size/physique.

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Giving Away the Skinny-Me Jeans

Giving Away the Skinny-Me Jeans

I finally did it.

I have a special shelf in my closet that has housed the jeans I wore like a boss during my twenties. My husband loved the jeans, my friends complimented me when I wore them. I felt amazing. Except I didn’t. To wear those jeans I was following a very restrictive diet and exercising excessively. I was miserable, aside from the fleeting moments following a compliment. To wear those jeans I wasn’t living my life. I didn’t notice the beauty in the present moment,  instead I obsessed about what I was or wasn’t going to eat, how many calories I was burning. My fitness plan ruled my life.

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