Vitamin D: Are you Getting Enough?

Vitamin D: Are you Getting Enough?

Vitamin D is an essential hormone; it improves immunity; assists in the absorption of important nutrients; increases feel good hormones; and oversees cell activity by acting on the P53 gene, which identifies damaged cells and assists in their self-destruction. 

Our bodies need the sun to make Vitamin D. 

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The Sweet Taste of Freedom from Diets and Restriction

The Sweet Taste of Freedom from Diets and Restriction

This weekend I attended a three day birthday celebration and experienced a freedom that would have been inaccessible prior to adopting a primal lifestyle. In years past, a weekend of this nature would have involved one of two scenarios (I was not skilled in the art of moderation):

Scenario A:  Worry about bringing my own food to stay on my strict diet. Worry about completing my inflexible workout regimen. Worry about whether or not to have a glass of wine or champagne (liquid calories!). Covet my friends’ celebratory food while I resentfully swallowed my dry chicken breast and broccoli. Why could they stay so so fit when just looking at cupcakes made my pants tighter?!

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"I Am Open to Feeling Better"

"I Am Open to Feeling Better"

Last week my flow was missing. I felt overwhelmed and anxious; I was doubting myself in all aspects of my life. My monkey mind was saying the meanest things and I couldn’t make it stop. I felt completely uninspired and unmotivated. Before starting the primal lifestyle I would have sunk into a self-soothing session of wine and chocolate. I’ve since learned healthier stress management tools, so I tried them all in an attempt to feel better.

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What Does it Mean to "Live in Flow"?

What Does it Mean to "Live in Flow"?

I find a penny on the ground. Parking spaces open up. The answers to questions pop into my head effortlessly. The right person shows up at the right time. I can't stop smiling. I feel sincere love and appreciation for all beings, even those with whom I have previously felt annoyance. The world feels magical. 

This is what I feel like when I am living in flow. 

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Six Healthy Eating Myths Busted!

Six Healthy Eating Myths Busted!

I’ve heard a lot of myths about healthy eating. Maybe your brain has latched on to one of these myths and it's holding you back from radiant, glowing health. If so, perhaps it is time to reframe. Let’s start by busting some common myths.

  1. Healthy eating is hard. Well, it will be if you think about it that way! Can you work on changing your mindset? Isn’t it incredible to have the opportunity to nurture your amazing body? Isn’t it easy to focus on ⅕ of the grocery store instead of wandering down all the processed food aisles? Isn’t it easy to have non-stop energy all day long, to sleep like a log, and to wake up without an alarm clock?

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Sign a Peace Treaty with Your Body

Sign a Peace Treaty with Your Body

Lately I've been hearing from many women who are struggling to find a diet plan that "works". I get it. I have so been there. 

For many years, unconsciously, I was at war with my body.  I fought with my body in an attempt to control my weight, the way my clothes fit, the way I looked in a bathing suit. I said such mean things to my body when I looked in the mirror!  Obviously, treating my body in this way left no room for love. I assumed love would come when I reached my desired weight/size/physique.

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